Welcome to our attribution claim channel. Apparently your work attracted our intrerest,  has been chosen from the stack and evaluated as a "must-featured" item on IGM. Feel free to submit your link and add one more traffic source to your arsenal.

This form is strictly intended for name and link attribution purposes to publishers/companies that have seen their work showcased on our site.

Go through this simple process to notify us about the link to your page where your infographic is shown. We will add this link under the label "Published by" , that is visible on our dedicated reference section (top left side of the page), replacing the current attribution call link.

According to our submission policy and guidelines the following criteria should be fulfilled in order your attribution to be successfully treated:

> Enter a valid url that strictly directs to identical infographic content on a live site/blog of yours.Your attribution will be rejected in the following cases:

  • Link request to commercial urls (Links to pages where no infographic is presented or pages that are excessively sales oriented with proportionally high CTA calls to the overall layout).
  • Links to main site/blog urls (Home Page)
  • Links to content on social networks.
  • Links to image file url.

> Do not include embeded code. We simply host, upload and showcase your work.

> Allow us 1 business date to manage and respond to your request.

Thank you in advance, please proceed to the form.

IGM Team

PS: If you have previously registered to our submission platform you can use IGM ATTRIBUTION Xpress to notify us in two twos.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.